YouthAlive Leaders Portal

Live a purpose-driven life by modeling an evidence-based Positive Peer Prevention Program.

Step #1: Positive

Youth Alive focuses on positive alternatives in Christ, resulting in positive interpersonal relationships with one another. Participants treat one another with Respect, Dignity, and Honor, valuing each person with no racism, no prejudice, no put-downs.

Step #2: Peer

In this program youth and adults are reaching out to other youth, children, and adults to encourage them to make healthy choices free from addictions. The connectedness among youth and with adults provides a natural sense of satisfaction.

Step #3: Prevention

Youth Alive focuses on the theme “MY CHOICE–FULLY ALIVE” - this encourages commitment to healthy living for all the participants, including those who may have already casually experimented with drugs or other at-risk behaviors.

Step #4: Program

The program involves various activities and events focusing on the growth and discipling of youth. It is intergenerational. That is, it includes not only youth, but the participation of qualified adult presenters and facilitators.


What is Youth Alive?

Youth Alive is a youth discipleship program designed to build resilience among adolescents and young adults by ins- piring and equipping them to make healthy choices.

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Youth Alive Model

The Youth Alive model incorporates four important iCor (Church of Refuge) values for discipling youth as followers of Jesus.

Reach IN

foster relationships

Reach OUT

promote mission

Reach UP

nurture spiritual growth


cultivate empowerment

Youth Alive creates a welcoming environment in which people feel safe to be themselves, to take risks, and to grow. A safe environment means acceptance, openness, support, and confidentiality. Youth Alive seeks to build up others and not allow put-downs. The principles youth alive live by are:






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Join our

The first step in engaging in Youth Alive is to attend a facilitator’s training. The success of the Youth Alive program is grounded in the adults who empower and support the youth.

By investing time in young people, you demonstrate a willing- ness to become involved in their lives and shows that young people matter.

Contact us
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Meet the YouthAlive Team

Katia Reinert

Katia Reinert

Youth Alive Leadership Team Coordinator - GC

Dr. Katia Reinert volunteers in a primary care practice in Baltimore, Maryland. She holds a PhD from...

Elaine and Willie Oliver

Willie and Elaine Oliver are directors of the Department of Family Ministries for the General Conference...

Pako Mokgwane

Pako Mokgwane

Team Leader

Pako loves the young people and has a passion for youth Evangelism using the latest media. He is very...

Find out more about YouthAlive

If you need more details about our project, click on the button below to read the brochure.


Contact information

YouthAlive, 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring
MD 20904 USA
Phone: 301-680-6716
Email: youthalive at